Video Game Buzzwords Wiki

Sprint Planning Meeting: Ken Schwaber defines the Sprint Planning Meeting as a Timeboxed meeting that starts off every Sprint. The meeting is divided into two sections which are also Timeboxed. During this time the Team and Product Owner inspect the Product Backlog, decide on what functionality they will develop in the coming Sprint, plan the Sprint, and create the Sprint Backlog.

Parts of a Sprint Planning Meeting:

  • · Part 1: Timeboxed to four hours. During this time the Product Owner presents the highest priority Product Backlog to the Team. The team asks questions regarding the content, purpose, and meaning of the Product Backlog to determine what functionality should be selected for the coming Sprint. The Team then makes this functionality selection commits to putting forth their best effort to bring it to shippable quality.
  • · Part 2: Timeboxed to four hours. During this time the Team plans out the Sprint and creates a Sprint Backlog.

Example of use:

  • · We need to hold a Sprint Planning Meeting in order to create a Sprint Backlog.”
  • · “Make sure you attend the Sprint Planning Meeting tomorrow!”


  • · Agile Project Management with Scrum by Ken Schwaber